posted 02-08-2004 10:48 AM
Back in October, I told you all about a guy who was selling a countermeasures manual on Ebay titled "Successful Strategies to Police Testing". The book contained countermeasures and other little tricks that liars find helpfull when applying for law enforcement positions. Child molesters and sex offenders tend to like these manuals as well. What was so bad about this manual, is that it was written by one police officer and being marketed by another. This manual can still be viewed on EBay by looking up item # 3573206763.I tracked the guy down and found he was in fact, a sworn police officer in a town outside of Chicago. Via E-mail, I asked him what his department thought about his manual and he wrote back that they know all about it and "could care less".
I bought a copy and saw it contained the same Maschke/Williams B.S. tactics we have all come to know and love. I then sent the manual to the fine folks at the AAPP with the hopes that they may send a letter to the guys department showing their support :>)
Before the AAPP had a chance to act on it, Officer Bozo's department got wind of his manual. The Deputy Chief called him in and asked for a copy which Officer Bozo was ever so eager to provide. The problem was, Officer Bozo had edited the Chief's copy and removed all of the countermeasure information replacing it with "just tell the truth" information.
Well the Chief smelled a rat( and a fat one at that ) so he e-mailed all of Officer Bozo's previous customers attempting to find an "original" copy. You can imagine that most of all of the previous customers(perverts and soon to be professional liars) were not very interested in cooperating with a police IA except for!
The Chief received my copy and the rest is history! It also turns out that the name of the author on this fine piece of knowledge, is really the maiden name of Officer Bozo's wife.
Due to pending personnel action, I can't tell you how this happy little story ends but I think you may just be able to fill in the blanks!
I have always enjoyed catching people using countermeasures. I have since found there is no greater joy than catching someone selling them!